Thursday, April 14, 2022

Why Should You Wear Horse Riding Helmets?

Horse Riding helmets may be a contentious matter at times, with individuals constantly debating whether or not to wear them. There are a lot of different opinions about whether or not one can wear a helmet, and the fact that it's legal in some places but not others only make the debate even more heated. Even though not everyone likes to wear them, it's a good idea to think about the benefits of wearing them. 

Why Are Horse Riding Helmets Important? 

A properly-fitted helmet can significantly cut the risk of a head injury. There are many explanations or justifications for not wearing a helmet, but research has shown that wearing them have been saving many people from getting their head injured. However, instead of focusing on the reasons why you shouldn't wear a helmet, let's think about a few reasons why you should wear horse riding helmets. 

  • Riding is Risky 

Horseback riding may be a fun activity or a job for you. However, let us be truthful, it is a very difficult job. It might be much riskier than riding a motorcycle or skiing. Therefore, if the majority of individuals wear helmets during these activities, it makes logical to wear one while riding as well. 

  • Protection Against Sharp Things 

A horse riding helmet for riding doesn't just save your head from falling to the ground hard. Also, it protects you from sharp things. You might hit a tree while you're riding. If you hit a branch at high speeds, it can be very dangerous. There's a good chance your helmet will protect you. You can't get sharp things inside because its outer shell is very durable. Expanded polystyrene fills the space beneath the outer shell, absorbing and dispersing any force. 

  • Accidents Are Indifferent to Experience 

A lot of people think that because they've been riding for a long time, they learn how to deal with their horses so that they don't get hurt. This isn't true. But accidents don't come with an invite. Always keep yourself prepared from facing the worst. Even some of the best professional horse riders had TBIs because they were hurt while riding a horse. 

Does Horse Riding Helmets Are Reliable? 

The major reason for death or severe injury in horse events (both mounted and dismounted) is a head injury, and 60% of them end in death. So, if you're not sure if wearing a horse helmet is a good idea, you might want to think about that. That's a scary thought, and when you think that most people who die from a head injury can be avoided by choosing to wear a riding helmet that meets the current standards, it's surprising that only 20% of riders always put on a horse riding helmets while going for riding.  

How Long Is The Life Expectancy Of A Horse Riding Helmet? 

Riding helmets do not endure indefinitely and must be updated periodically. There's also no hard and fast rule for when they should be replaced, although the majority of individuals will advise every five years. While you may believe that if you have not fallen, it is irrelevant how long you retain your helmet, there are several factors why you should change it regularly.  

Additionally, sweat, temperature, rain, and even UV rays all contribute to the deterioration of your helmet's efficacy over time. To get the most out of your helmet, adhere to the maintenance instructions included with it. 


Riding a horse holds various risks. So, wearing the right gear to lessen the risk is very important. A lot of people who are new to horseback riding don't know why they should wear a helmet, and some people who are more experienced, actually forget. However, for keep yourself sfe from injuries, you must wear a horse riding helmet.

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