If you are somewhere in America or Canada, you would witness people dumping their waste – be it household or industrial waste – into a dumpster. Well, that is what they call those big roadside bins, that you would find available in skip bin hire companies. And if you are anywhere in Australia, you would be doing the same in a skip bin. However, both a dumpster and a skip bin are completely the same. And skip bins are found both as residential skips and industrial skips.
Reasons to hire industrial skip bins
Industrial bin hire these days are rampantly on the rise. This, we can partly attribute to the awareness of industry owners and partly to other reasons. They are not only convenient to get rid of all the accumulated waste in one go, but they are also a cost-effective method of getting rid of rubbish. It saves a lot of time if you must do away with a lot of waste. The environment remains pollution-free in the process.
And when you think of the conveniences there is not just one, but many. Just imagine all your waste getting gathered at one place and remaining covered over there till the industrial bin hire company comes along to take it away. You will not see the waste scattered all over your site and with that a fewer number of diseases will also strike all your employees. You will also not see any rodents or scavenging animals pulling and tugging at your litter with all their might.
The Different Sizes of Industrial Bins for Hire
Here with bin hire companies all over town, you will also get different-sized bins for hire. Some of those sies are: -
- Mini bins
- Middle-sized bins
- Jumbo sized bins
When you take bins on hire for your industry, you will obviously hire jumbo-sized bins. So, industrial bin hire is the solution for you here. The industrial bins generally come in various sizes like 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 cubic meters. But here again, you must note that different companies may have different-sized bins for hire.
Features That You Would Find in Industrial Bins
With any industrial bin hire you would find some common features which are like:
- Industrial bins come as galvanized bins.
- The industrial bins, although made from metal, are fitted with plastic lids for convenience of usage.
- They may come with wheels or without them.
- The bins are fitted with pockets, so that they can easily be lifted with a forklift allowing free movement of the bins from the site to the dump yard.
- They are completely color-coded to know what waste could go into each bin. This ultimately helps the industrial bin hire company to easily get rid of all the waste.

Benefits of Industrial bin hire
As per stats, by the year 2050, global waste is predicted to reach an astounding 3.4 billion metric tons per year. Can you imagine the prodigious amount of waste generated and what its impact on Mother Earth would be? So, we must deal with this issue collectively as a whole race to work out some solution that would benefit us, humans, ultimately. Hence, here are all the benefits which you need to know about industrial bin hire: -
- Without much ado, you can declutter your site by collecting all the waste in one big bin.
- This is a step forward towards the safety of yourself and your employees and if it is a construction site, then it is even more required so that your employees are safe from big chunks and hazardous waste.
- Just conceptualize the amount of time that you save while trying to keep your site clean and, in the process, you save a lot of money in terms of labor for Ing to keep the place clean.
- A lot of space is undoubtedly freed and since space is at a premium everywhere it will come to be used in some way or the other.
- Carbon footprint on the earth is reduced significantly.
Now before we end this article, let us tell you how to choose the best industrial bin hire company. Firstly, you must understand the type of waste that your industry type is generating. The waste quantity is another factor to be pondered on along with your budget and the environmental policies of the region in which you reside. If taken together and considered thoughtfully you will get the best services available.
Binswest Bin Hire
42 Stewart Cres, Rockbank VIC 3335
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