Thursday, February 9, 2023

Home Staging Ideas To Get A Higher Selling Price

Do you want to sell your old home and move to a new one? If you put your property at online selling sites you will get a lot of buyers but, will it be a profitable deal for you when you are willing to get a higher price for it? No, because the real estate marketplace is highly competitive for selling residential properties.

So, if you want to get a good amount of price for your house and get more potential buyers, you need to give some makeover to it. A home staging before putting your house on the real estate marketplace is a good idea as it includes an overall renovation of your house internally as well as externally without creating big changes and in minimum expenditure.

property styling Melbourne

The process of home staging to make your house presentable in front of the buyers

 1. Dust out the exterior walls as well as the interior walls

With time the walls accumulate dust and dirt especially, the outer walls. So, dust them out and make them look shiny. Painting the walls before staging can help to attract customers.

 2. Remove broken or unwanted furniture

If you have any broken furniture remove it. Mind it that no buyer will want to spend money on a broken thing if you are selling a furnished house. Do not expect that buyers will buy the broken furniture

3.Repair any cracked or broken floor tiles

The floors must be intact for beauty as well as safety. Therefore, in the process of home staging,you should also replace any broken or cracked tiles. Or, you can paint or coat your floors.

4. Clean the kitchen, bathroom, and wash area

But these places required to be hygienic. So, clean them properly, make them hygienic, and then decorate them nicely.

5. Decorate the front door to make it attractive

The front door must look attractive when you are taking photos to upload or when the buyers come to visit the house. Painting the door with a bright color is a good idea. Before that, don’t forget to clean it. You can hang a nice piece of metal art and also place some flower plants on both sides.

6. Set a wide wall mirror in the living room

An interesting idea of home staging is setting a huge-sized mirror on a wall of your living room, particularly when you have a small living room. Though the size of the rooms will not change with some creativity it attracts others and provides a wider look to the space.

7. Make a minimalist kitchen

A minimalist kitchen is attractive, functional, and very interesting. So, keep the unwanted things aside, add if some appliances are needed, and make it tidy. Leave more space for easy movement while cooking.

house stagers melbourne

8. Add some cozy pillows on the couch

The addition of some different-sized cozy pillows to the couch will make it comfortable, and create a lavish look. The buyers will have a sense of coziness while looking at the photos which will attract them toward visiting your house.

9. Remove personal photographs

Don’t forget to remove any personal photographs of you and your family if there while home staging. The person who is buying it is completely new and wouldn’t like to have them hanging on the walls. When the home is going to be placed in the home stages then it is better to remove the personalized touch.

10. Give a fresh and cozy look to the bedrooms

Clean the bedroom and change the decoration a little bit. Your goal should be to make the bedrooms attractive and cozy.

11. Clear the storage spaces

Clean it to store things for the buyers’ family. You can also add some more shelves or cabinets here.

12. Define individual spaces

Defining an individual place or room is an interesting styling idea. It will also make the new person easily understand different spaces. For example, when you have a dining and living place together you can create two separate themes with two contrasting wall colors. Add some signs, incorporate two differently patterned furniture, etc. It will provide a compact and intact space.


These are the overall idea of home staging. You can do more things too, actually whatever you think the look of your house will be enhanced and attract the buyers.


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