Indoor plants are great to keep in the office or home settings, and these serve a decorative purpose although some of them also have air-purifying and other benefits, including medicinal and health benefits. There are plenty of indoor plants for sale that can be used for decorating the interior space and are easy to care for.

Some of The Best Indoor Plants Sold Today That You May Go for Are Listed Below:
#1. Peace Lilly: These plants are easy to care for in low-lit surroundings and are ideal to install in dark corners. These bring forth a white leafy flower that can shoot up straight. The plant can grow around 4 feet in height and width. Its l needs a lot of water and should be watered every day all through the summer season. You can place it in a very dark room. The white-colored flower that arises from the mid-section of these plants is a leaf in actuality. These can be fertilized a minimum of 4 to 6 times every year.
#2. Aloe Vera: These are great indoor plants for sale that are used in chemical and cosmetic industries. Properties that are ingrained in this plant can drive away:
- Formaldehyde
- Benzene and other by-products of cleaners that are chemical-based
- Toxins
- Paints
The use of the leaves of this plant is known well to be able to give a fantastic complexion to people. Aloe indoor plants for sale love warm and dry weather, and you should water this plant only when you find dry soil in the pot. It is best to grow this plant close to a window which receives plenty of sunlight throughout the day. Aloe does not thrive in full shade. When you re-pot this plant, avoid watering it for 2 – 3 days and allow the roots to get settled first.
#3. Areca Palm: You can grow this type of leafy plant in any area of the home, under indirect sunlight. Ensure that the leaves are never exposed to direct sunlight. Else, the leaves will get that yellow color shade. Areca Palm can grow as tall as 30 feet when planted outdoors. However, when placed indoors, its height is limited to around 7 feet. This plant can filter toluene and xylene from surrounding air and purify the indoor air in this way. It is also a powerful humidifier. You have to water the plant sufficiently to moisten the soil and allow it to dry slightly between the watering during the winter season.
#4. Chinese Fan Palm: These indoor plants for sale have star-shaped leaves, which set them apart from the other types of palms having more traditional and feather-like frond leaves. This palm grows slowly and when mature, it can grow as high as 15 feet or even more. The plant thrives well in brightly lit surroundings, although younger plants bear shady areas. Pick a large-sized pot that would fit the long taproot which is produced from this plant. Use a slow-release fertilizer to feed this palm one time every year during the spring season.
#5. Rubber Plant: It does well in low, indirect sunlight, and has waxy and thick leaves. This indoor plant looks very nice and is easy to care for. It needs to be watered almost regularly, and every day when the weather is hot. You have to trim these attractive indoor plants for sale when they grow to a height of 6 feet. These can grow very tall although you may dwarf the size of the plant by placing it in a smaller-sized container. These are great plants to keep in offices.
#6. English Ivy: These indoor plants for sale aid in reducing fecal matter that is airborne. It can also filter the formaldehyde that is present in a few household cleaning products. Water the plant when the topsoil appears to be dry.
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