Owning an antique piece is definitely a style statement. It might tend to be difficult to maintain this but definitely not impossible. Opting for the antique finish can help you own the antique for a longer period of time. Antique furniture tends to be one way of contributing to the environment, as there is no requirement for buying new furniture. You are using something, which is already ‘there’.
You can opt professional for the antique finish. Another reason for holding on to the antique is the timeless beauty they offer. The designs and styles can be termed as ‘unmatched’ when comparing them to the furniture designs available nowadays.
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Antique Brass |
Antique Finish Considerations:
Before making a decision of opting for the antique finish, you need to consider some of the factors listed below.
1. Value of the Antique:
Before deciding on a specific antique finish, it is important to determine the value it holds. Antiques, which are valuable, tend to look good in their original form. You really do not need to go ahead and opt for a specific antique finish. A cheap antique, on the other hand, works well with an antique finish, as this can enhance the looks and increase the value to a large extent.
2. Antique Age:
Consider the age of the antique and look for a finish accordingly. You need to know that an antique, which is 100 years old, can absorb the paint well, more so, if it is made of oak.
3. Antique Design:
Painting an antique, which has an intricate and complex design does not work satisfactorily. On the other hand, a carved antique can be an apt candidate for the antique finish.
4. Passing on the Antique:
An antique, which is passed down from generations to generations is best left un-touched. It is advisable to opt for the antique finish only for those pieces, which are cheap. You need to be aware of the fact that there is no way a patina, which has taken almost 100 years to develop can be restored. In short, you need to leave a ‘precious’ antique, as it is.
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Antique Metal Finishing |
Tips for Antique Finish:
Once you have decided to opt for the antique finish after considering the factors listed above, you need to go about this in a systematic manner.
1. For removing the finish, which exists in an antique it is advisable to use strippers, which are water-based. The stripper can be active for a long period of time if covered with a clear plastic layer.
2. The surface needs to be rinsed with clear water once the stripping of paint is done for the antique finish. The wood needs to be dry before you start the sanding process.
3. The sanding needs to be done according to the grain. It needs to be parallel to this. You also need to ensure, you use the right sanding grit.
4. Water-based antique finishes work well, as compared to the counterparts, which are solvent-based. These finishes ensure a clean and elegant look to the antique.
You have the choice of opting for professional for the required antique finish. You can be spared of the labor and are ensured that the antique finish is up to the mark.
Keep in mind the reputation and experience before you make a choice of a service providing the antique finish. This can make a difference to the quality of work provided.
You can conduct an online search, as this offers you an opportunity to compare the different services of antique metal finishing. Keep the quality as a priority. You can go through the reviews and ratings to make things easier for you.
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